Book Review: The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan

When I saw the synopsis for this book, I absolutely had to read it.  Here is my review of The Countess Conspiracy by Courtney Milan.

The Countess Conspiracy (Volume 3) - Courtney Milan

It’s such an interesting problem. On one side you see Violet need to sort through her insecurities and decide what to do about her scientific research. Then on the other side you have Sebastian figuring out where that leaves him.  I would say even in this point in time there are guys out there who would feel intimidated by a woman’s success, so it’s hard to imagine what it would be like in this historical setting. The fact that it’s more about him finding his own place and legacy without wanting to take away Violet’s makes him a great hero for the story.

The drama in their romance was interesting to see developed, but I think it was stretched out a bit too long. I was much more interested in the drama that was coming out professionally.  Overall I enjoyed it.  I give it three out of five stars.

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